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For Booking inquiries, contact Tanya here.

Summer 2024


June 26  - Patio Laughs with Britt Campbell, hosted by Tanya Nicolle. Tickets here


July 7 - Opening for Ryan Williams at Lone Oak. Ticket link TBA


July 15 - Queer AF Comedy show, hosted by Tanya Nicolle. Tickets here


July 24  - Patio Laughs with Taylor Carver, hosted by Tanya Nicolle. Tickets here


Aug 14 - Showcase of Women Comics from the East Coast - Starring Maggie Estey. Ticket link Here.


Aug 15 - Storytelling by Tanya Nicolle, at Red Island Cider. Pay at the door.


Aug 28 - Patio Laughs with Tanya Nicolle & Shawn Hogan. *WIP show*




Spring 2024



April 17 at Trailside Music Hall

Tickets at


Winter 2023-2024​


March 16 - Stand up with Brad Doiron, hosted by Tanya Nicolle. Tickets at


Feburary 24 - Jordan Foisy of this Hour has 22 Minutes, Hosted by Tanya Nicolle (tickets


January 20: Bits & Bites Queer Comedians (tickets at


January 10 (postponed to Jan. 24 due to weather): Bits & Bites with Patrick Ledwell, hosted by Tanya Nicolle


December 16 - Comedy with Tanya Nicolle at Lone Oak (Fox Meadows location)


Decemer 15 - Hosting for Justin Shaw at Lone Oak in Borden, PEI (tickets at


December 6 - Hosting for Shawn Hogan (tickets at


Upcoming Shows - Fall 2023


November 15 - Bits & Bites: PEI Comedian Showcase (headlined by Taylor Carver) at Bar1911. Tickets here


October 14 - Women Comedians from Across Atlantic Canada(Bits & Bites) at Bar1911. Tickets here


October 13 - Punchlines Comey Club (opening for Peter White). Tickets here


October 9 - Hospice PEI Fundraiser at Trailside. Tickets here


Sept 25 - Rat Tales: A Bunch of Queers & a Straight. (Baba's Lounge - PWYC)


September 21 - Better Times (Halifax) at Good Robot, Robie Location. Tickets at the door.​


Upcoming Shows - Summer 2023


September 15 - Tanya Nicolle (Summer Stories) at Red Island Cider. PWYC at door.


September 9 - Patio Laughs with Allyson June Smith (at Upstreet). Tickets Here


August 22nd - Patrick Ledwell & Friend (Tanya Nicolle) at Trailside. Tickets here


August 17th - Kings Playhouse Cabaret. Ticket link TBA


August 16th - PATIO LAUGHS with headliner Travis Lindsay - hosted by Tanya Nicolle, with special guest, Ryan Doucette. Tickets here


August 8th - This Might Be Funny at Bar 1911.

A Comedy Workshop Live Show - only $5 cover. Reserve seats here


August 2nd - 6th - Island Fringe Festival. Tickets here, or cash entry.


July 24th - PRIDE PEI Queer AF at The Guild. Tickets here


July 19th - PATIO LAUGHS at Upstreet Craft Brewing (PEI Showcase - hosted by Tanya Nicolle). Tickets here


June 24th - Belfast Days Comedy Hour (Make-a-Wish Fundraiser). Belfast, PEI. Entry by donation.


June 17th - PATIO LAUGHS at Upstreet Craft Brewing hosted by Tanya Nicolle, ft. Matt Keenan, with headliner Michelle Petite. Tickets here


June 14th - Steve Dylan Live at Bar 1911 (hosted by Tanya Nicolle, ft. Britt Campbell). Tickets here


June 7th - Trailside (East Coast Comedy Spotlight with Shawn Hogan & Peter White)




Spring 2023


May 23rd - Tanya Nicolle's Album Release Party for Crocnado. Upstreet. Free RSVP here


April 19th - Patrick Ledwell (hosted by Tanya Nicolle, ft. Shawn Hogan - Bar 1911 $25


March 15th - Maritime Mashup Bar 1911 $20 


April 1st - Gals & Giggles (Saint John, NB) - The Phoenix $25 (tickets here)


April 21st - Stand-up Comedy at The Guild (PE) $26 (Ticket link coming soon)


April Bits & Bites - Date TBA




Feb. 22nd - PEI Comedy Allstars - presented by Ice City Festival - email for tickets


January 27th - Darkside Comedy Club - Floozie's Showcase with Clare Belford (Darmouth, NS)


January 28th - Yuk Yuks with Headliner Jay Malone *guest spot* (Halifax, NS)




PAST SHOWS - Fall/Winter 2022

More Shows TBA


December 16th & 17th: Live Comedy Album Recording - The Guild. Tickets here


November 8th: Baba's


October 17: Baba's


October 13th: The Furnace Room (showcase - closer)*New Brunswick


October 12 th: Casey Corbin Ft. Tanya Nicolle

Sept. 7th: Hosting PATIO LAUGHS Sept. 7th, with headliner Shawn Hogan (Upstreet) $20

Summer 2022


More August 2022 Shows TBA Soon!


August 10th: Headlining*** (Upstreet)


August 4th: Feature act with PEI showcase, at The Furnace Room with Matt White (Moncton, NB)


August 3rd, 17th & 31st: Bits & Bites (hosting)


July 28th - 31st: Island Fringe Festival 2022 (opening for headliner Jeremiah Ukponrefe)


July 28th: Alberton Exhibition (showcase) with PEI & NS comics


July 20th: Queer AF in partnership with PRIDE PEI (feature/middle) at BAR 1911 SOLD OUT


July 13th: Patio Laughs (hosting) for headliner Monty Scott


June 29th: Upstreet - Patio Laughs (hosting for East Coast showcase), PE


June 24th: Yuk Yuks (guest spot), Halifax, NS


June 22nd BAR 1911: Bits & Bites, PE


June 2nd: Foghorn Brewing, Saint John, NB




May 23rd: PEI's first All-Alternative Comedy Show. Featuring the best in Eastern Canada's unconvential comedy scene! Headlined by Clifton Cremo, ft. Luba Magnus, Jim Temple, and Tanya Nicolle! $20 in advance; $25 at door! Phone 902-393-2512 for tickets, or visit Eventbrite


Bits & Bites is back! Running select Wednesdays May - August. Entry by donation, all of which goes back to the performers!


PATIO LAUGHS returns this June for a 2nd season at Upstreet Craft Brewing! Show dates TBA


WINTER 2021-2022


Bits & Bites is back! Running select Wednesdays March - April. Entry by donation, all of which goes back to the comics!


Stand-up Comedy at The Factory, starring Brad Doiron, hosted by Tanya Nicolle. Ft. Shawn Hogan & Katherine Cairns. $20 - 902-393-2512 for tickets


PEI ALLSTARS - Feb. 23rd/22 BAR 1911 - in partnership with Jackfrost Fetsival & Ice City


Tibb's Eve with Tanya Nicolle & Friends - The Guild Charlottetown, PE, December 23rd, 8PM CANCELLED DUE TO OMICRON!


Holiday Hilarity Comedy Show - Lone Oak Brewing - Borden, PE December 12th (Tickets at


Crown Comedy - The Albert & Crown Pub - December 8th 7:30 PM. Call 780-836-0563 for tickets


Comedy at the Tignish Legion: Starring Brad Doiron, hosted by Tanya Nicolle (December 4th, 8 PM, Doots at 7:30 PM tickets here)


Comedy at The Manse - Marshfield Manse Marshfield, PE. December 2nd & 3rd. Call 902-213-2861 for Tickets


FALL 2021


Justin Shawn Album Recording - The Guild (Nov. 25th, tickets HERE)


Bits & Bites - Bar 1911 (Oct. 27th, Nov. 10th, Nov. 24th @ 7:30 PM - PWYC)


Comedy Coven - The Basement (Moncton, NB) October 23, 8PM


Women Comedians from Atlantic Canada - presented by Discover Charlottetown: Hosted by Heather Jordan Ross; starring Maggie Estey. Ft. Tanya Nicolle, Rachel Matheson, Gill Salmon, Katherine Cairns. TICKETS HERE


3 SPUDS COMEDY TOUR - tri-county tour, Starring Taylor Carver, Ft. Tanya Nicolle & Katherine Cairns. See dates here!


BITS & BITES - BAR 1911 - SAFE SPACE COMEDY SHOW! Returning October 27th. See Schedule Here!


SUMMER 2021 


The Basement, Moncton - PEI PASS show (Tanya Nicolle, Clare Belford, Brad Doiron) - September 11th)


Pink Flamingos, Moncton (August 14th) - hosted by Tanya Nicolle


PATIO LAUGHS - Bi-weekly Shows with professional comics, and amateur showcases at Upstreet Craft Brewing - please see schedule here!


Bits & Bites Mic - Bar 1911 - SAFE SPACE COMEDY - Hosted by Tanya Nicolle! *PWYC *Please see the Bits & Bites Schedule here!


June 26th, 2021 - Bar 1911 - An Evening of Comedy with Line Woods (featuring) $20




SPRING 2021 



May 30th, 2021 - Laughs on Tap - Lone Oak Brewery - (hosting) comedy variety show $15


May 29th, 2021 - Bar 1911 - An Evening of Comedy with Justin Shaw (hosting) $15


May 15th, 2021 - Bar 1911 - PEI COMEDY ALLSTARS SHOW - SOLD OUT!


May 11th - The Couch Potato Comedy Show: virtual showcase of 7 comics from across the country! Live from their couches to yours. Proceeds to PEI Humane Society - $7




April 24th, 2021 - PEI Brewing Company - "Self <3 Saturday" fundraiser for CMHA


April 23rd & 24th - (Hosting) An Evening of Comedy with Shawn Hogan - BAR 1911 - SOLD OUT!




Winter 2021


February, 27th, 2021- (Hosting) An Evening of Comedy with Shawn Hogan - BAR 1911 tickets $20 - POSTPONED TO APRIL (TBA)


February 21st, 2021 - Winterfest LGBTQ+ Comedy Show, 8PM @ The Factory


January 23rd, 2021 - BAR 1911 - (opening) 

An Evening of Comedy with Clare Belford - SOLD OUT



DECEMBER 2020 - PURPLE CAMEL TOE VIRTUAL MIC SERIES - every Wednesday throughout December on Zoom



Upstreet Comedy under the Lights - October 1st, 2020. Starring Shawn Hogan, hosted by Tanya Nicolle (with special guests). Tickets $60 for table of 6 people. SOLD OUT


Upstreet Mic Comedy Series - September 2020 - FREE (Show up early to get a seat)




Pounding the Pavement - Confederation Centre of the Arts, in partnership with PEI Fringe Festival. Tickets $25 here.  August 12, 13, 14 - SOLD OUT


Tanball PWYC Outdoor Comedy Festival - All public healh guidelines & restrictions apply! Contact to book your bubble now




Nimrods Comedy Hour: Headliner Dan Hendricken - (opening) July 25th, 9PM

© 2023 Tanya Nicolle MacCallum, PE  

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