Upcoming Shows at BAR 1911
Hosted by Tanya Nicolle
​January 10
Queer Comedians Showcase
$25, or of Tables of 4 for only $80! Wow!
Tickets bar1911.com
January 10
(postponed to Jan. 24 due to poor weather)
Patrick ledwell
$25, or of Tables of 4 for only $80! Wow!
Tickets bar1911.com
December 6 - Happy Holidays with Shawn Hogan
$20, or of Tables of 4 for only $75! Wow!
Tickets bar1911.com
November 15 - PEI Comics Showcase Headliner: Taylor Carver
$20, or of Tables of 4 for only $75! Wow!
Tickets Here
October 14 - Women Comedians
from Across Atlantic Canada
$25, or of Tables of 4 for only $80! Wow!
Tickets Here
August 8th - This Might be Funny
Watch the Comedians of Charlottetown
Workshop New Jokes Live
Only $5 Cover! Wow! Tickets Here
June 14th - Steve Dylan ft.
Britt Campbell & Ryan Gallant
$25 each, or Tables of 4 for $85
Tickets Here
April 19 - Patrick Ledwell
ft. Shawn Hogan
$25, or tables of 4 for $85
PEI Comedy Allstars - Feb. 22nd
Sponsored by Ice City & Discover Charlottetown
Match 15th - Maritime Mashup
Comedians from Across the Maritimes $20